Mary Lynn


Who is Mary Lynn?

5 Favorites Fast:

Museums (more history than not)
Movies (more indie comedies than Oscar nods)
Hiking (more leisure and pleasure than distance)
Baking (more for sharing than eating)
Learning (more hands-on than theoretical)

[email protected]

I’m an all-natural woman who is playful, curious, and kind. I enjoy losing time and exploring, especially when I am outdoors, and in the bedroom, which I believe should sometimes be outdoors. My sense of humor is my most cherished attribute and I aim to be easily amused. I believe laughter, sex, and yoga are the best exercise and the best medicine, and I practiced all three, everywhere, all the time.

It’s difficult to relax. It takes practice and I’ve gotten pretty good at it. Come, tell me what you need, and let me help make relaxing easy for you.

Mary Lynn


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