Ada Marie

Height: 5’5
Bust: 32B
Weight: 120
Eye Color: Grey/blue
Bi/Sexual: Yes
GFE/Kissing: Yes
Favorite color: Teal Blue

Email: [email protected]


    Who is Ada Marie?

    Fun, ambitious, sensual, sultry and passionate are several words I hear when someone is describing me. While all of these are very accurate, there is a lot more to what makes me tick. drives my passions, and what makes me, well, ME ?

    Beyond the carnal pleasures of my touch, smell, and taste, resides a mind hungry to expand. Mental stimulation is just as thrilling as physical, and I live for the thrill of stimulating both. I love broadening my horizons, learning from the experiences of others, sharing experiences of my own, and making new ones with wonderful people.

    I want to get to know you. I want to know what drives you, and I want to help stimulate you.

    Whether it was a tough day at the office, home life stresses, or just need a break for some “you” time, I would love to converse and put those worries at ease. Feel free to contact me at any one of these links and let us discuss the possibilities. Also, be sure to browse my other threads to better get to know who I am, and what I am about.

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